In the course of performing a Phase I
environmental site assessment at a shopping mall,
FRC learned that two former gasoline service
stations had existed on the property. FRC
performed a surface geophysical survey which
identified both tank fields. FRC performed
subsurface investigations including Geoprobe soil
and groundwater sampling and analysis, monitoring
well installation, and quarterly groundwater
monitoring. FRC used fate and transport modeling
and a door-to-door survey of property owners
within 1,000 feet hydrogeologically downgradient
of the site to demonstrate to the satisfaction of
the PADEP that the aquifer at the site is not used
for drinking water purposes. Once the non-used
aquifer status was approved, FRC removed six USTs
from the two tank fields and restored the parking
lots. The property manager will receive relief of
liability based on meeting the statewide health
standard with a non-used aquifer and
non-residential land use.